The TalkSince its debut in 2010, the show has been a daily TV staple. The show premiered in 2010. Sara Gilbert, Holly Robinson Peete, Leah Remini, Julie Chen Sharon Osbourneas cohosts but that panel has been changed numerous times since then.
The TalkSeason 11 was relaunched in September 2020 amid the coronavirus pandemic. Osbourne, who was criticized for his defense. Piers MorganDuring a March 2021 episode, was the last remaining original cast member. She cohosted alongside Sheryl Underwood, Carrie Ann Inaba Eve, who later left the show.
Amanda Kloots Elaine WelterothThey were then replaced by Kloots. Kloots’ addition to the show was emotional, as it came months after her husband, Nick Cordero, died from COVID-19.
“I am thrilled and honored to join this incredible cast and crew,” she said in a statement in December 2020. “I look forward to starting off the new year with honest and thought-provoking discussions, mixed with plenty of fun and laughter too.”
Osbourne is the only The TalkCohost to make it through all 11 seasons. Despite all the controversy surrounding Morgan’s comments she made, she stated that she wasn’t sure if she wanted to retake her seat on the panel.
“I wish we could go on and have [an] adult conversation calmly and work it out, but I don’t know whether we can,” the Osbournes alum told Entertainment TonightIn March 2021. “I don’t know whether it’s gone past that. I would love to, but I don’t know whether I even want to go back. … I don’t know whether I’m wanted there.”
After coming to Morgan’s defense following hisGood Morning BritainOsbourne and Underwood had a heated discussion about exit during the show’s final episode. She spoke with ET about the situation, that she “got too personal” and said she was willing to make it right. However, there were more allegations. Remini claimed that the British TV personality used homophobic and racist slurs against Chen and Gilbert.
Osbourne replied to the King of Queens alum’s claims in a statement via her rep, Howard Bragman, who called Remini “a disgruntled former employee.”
He added, “[Sharon]She will be able to survive, as she has always done, and her heart will continue to beat strong because she refuses letting others down. She thanks her family, friends and fans for standing by her and knowing her true nature.”
The TalkThe incident prompted CBS to extend its hiatus for a month. CBS issued a statement addressing the decision. Us Weekly.
“CBS is committed to a diverse, inclusive and respectful workplace across all of our productions. We’re also very mindful of the important concerns expressed and discussions taking place regarding events on The Talk,” the statement read. “This includes a process where all voices are heard, claims are investigated, and appropriate action is taken where necessary. The show will extend its production hiatus until next Tuesday as we continue to review these issues.”
Continue scrolling to see the entire list TalkHosts who have remained over the years and why.