Robert De Niro’s Ex-Wife Threatening Revenge After Losing $500M Divorce?

It is Robert De NiroAre you about to be subject to the wrath from his ex-wife One report states Grace HightowerAfter losing in court, she is bitter and plans to wreck havoc on her ex. Is she really going to spill all of De Niro’s secrets? Gossip Cop investigates.

‘Make De Niro Pay!’

According to the National Enquirer, De Niro’s recent court victory is bound to turn into ashes in his mouth. Hightower isn’t through with him or his $500 million fortune, so she’s threatening to write a harsh tell-all about their time together. “She’d love to paint a humiliating picture of his shortcomings as a husband, father, and even as a lover,” a source explains.

Hightower apparently wants to use all the leverage she has, and violating De Niro’s privacy is an easy way of getting at him. They were married for 20 years, and spent three years in court. She’s is still leaving with millions for her kids, and scored $1 million per year in alimony, but that’s simply not enough. “Bob was her gravy train… she grew very comfortable spending his money and is livid that she didn’t walk away with more,” an insider says. “She has no intention of giving up the fight now.”

What’s Going On With De Niro’s Divorce?

Parts of this story are accurate. Hightower was unable to get half of De Niro’s income, but she’ll still get $1 million per year until she marries or dies. De Niro’s lawyers were happy with the decision, and, considering that a prenup made a higher payday impossible, one must think Hightower’s team is fine with it as well.

Gossip CopThis story is being uncovered because tell-all stories are a familiar tabloid trope. Tell-alls are a favorite of tabloids as it allows them to speculate on what couldbe revealed. It is possible to release the EnquireTo call De Niro an unfaithful lover, while providing no evidence to support this claim. There’s no indication that Hightower is feeling vengeful or writing a book, so this story can be disregarded.

Troublesome Tell-Alls

Think of a celebrity that appears in the gossip pages. Chances are that the EnquireThey have invented a tell all book. Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle and others never wrote one. Oprah Winfrey famously heard Markle speak to Oprah Winfrey after a book had been promised.

As you can see from the Hightower story, revenge is a common motive. Ashton Kutcher was said to be writing a revengeful book to attack Demi Moor, but it never happened. Even Tom Selleck was apparently planning a “scathing” tell-all. These tell-alls don’t seem to be coming out, making this a lazy trope.