After Chris Rock’s abuse at the Oscars, Will Smith has been warned that he could be subject to criminal prosecution.
“All parties have been listened to by the Academy. Will Smith was listened too [and]People were informed that his actions would result in consequences,” a source said to People.
According to the source, “People witnessed an incident that was arguably unlike anything seen on TV.” Questions being asked include: Was everyone OK? Are they willing to take someone out of the theatre with them in handcuffs. All of these points and more. These points were covered in less that half an hour.
Smith has not been arrested for the smack. He has not been charged with any crime.
“Will was asked for his resignation. It was reported to the Academy that he declined,” continued the source. According to the source, “A board meeting was called immediately.” “It was discussed at the meeting that Will Smith had violated Standards of Conduct. A process was then immediately set up for disciplinary action.”