Let’s ride! Sons of AnarchyFrom 2008 to 2014, seven seasons of Star Trek hooked fans and helped propel star Charlie HunnamTo super stardom
The FX series starred Jax Teller (Hunnam), a single father who tried to get his outlaw biker gang Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club Redwood Original, (SAMCRO) back on the right side of law while also making a few illegal side hustles.
Jax, who is a SAMCRO member, and eventually the president of the club, learns about his father John Teller (Nicholas Guest) and what his original vision was for the Charming, California, biker boys.
The series was created by Kurt SutterAlso starred Katey Sagal as Jax’s badass mom, Gemma, Maggie SiffAs his love Tara Ron PerlmanClay (former leader at SAMCRO who loved illegal businesses), Ryan Hurst as Jax’s BFF Opie and Theo RossiJuice.
Sutter, who is married to Sagal, also played one of the Son’s members, Otto Delaney, who was in prison throughout the series. His goal was to portray biker gangs in a realistic way. Many of the actors learned how to ride motorcycles, and some did their own stunts.
“I want everyone to look like they live on those bikes,” Sutter told the Los Angeles TimesSeptember 2010. “These are cowboys, and those are their horses.”
SOAIt created a brotherhood among its cast, many of whom remain close to each other today. “This show has made us a real family,” Rossi told the L.A. TimesIn 2010.
Hunnam is close to Hurst, his former best friend onscreen. In March 2019, the Lost City of ZActor admitted that he and Remember the TitansStar briefly separated before reuniting.
“Ryan is one of my best friends,” Hunnam told The Hollywood ReporterAt the time. “There were a couple years where I didn’t spend much time with Ryan, and then I got into a yoga practice that he has really devoted himself to in a very significant way. We now see each others very often at the Kundalini Yoga studio that we both frequent. He’s one of my dear friends.”
The majority of the cast, which includes Tommy Flanagan(Who played Chibs) Kim Coates(who played Tig), reunited in the same year to celebrate Mark Boone Jr.Bobby and his wife. Christina Adshade’s wedding.
“Bout last night’s summer solstice ✨♥️✨♥️ love love love♥️,” Drea de Matteo, who played Jax’s first wife, Wendy, captioned a series of photos from the June 2019 nuptials via Instagram.
Scroll down to view the complete list Sons of AnarchyCast has been doing this since the show ended.