Reese Witherspoon Slammed For Joining ‘The New Scientology’

Reese WitherspoonAfter a controversial tweet, it is now facing huge backlash. The Election star is promoting what one critic called “the new Scientology.” Here’s what’s going on.

What’s An NFT?

NFT’s, or Non-Fungible Tokens, are unique units of data associated with non-unique digital items. To provide public proof, they require blockchain technology. It’s essentially a bit of metadata hidden out of view on internet photos that are easily spread and downloaded.

Depending on who you ask NFTs could be the next big thing or a complete joke. environmental hazard. There’s no denying, however, that they’re lucrative. NFTs can be sold for millions, and there’s, therefore, a lot of interest from millionaires and capitalists in them.

Witherspoon Chimes

Enter Reese Witherspoon, super-rich. She’s the world’s richest actressAccording to ForbesHer production company Hello Sunshine is her main source of income. Witherspoon is a producer of the likes Big Little LiesAnd The Morning Show. Her book club success provides a good pipeline for her media projects. She’s worth around $400 million according to the magazine.

With an incredible net worth, it’s not surprising that Witherspoon would want to invest in NFTs. She tweeted earlier this week her support from a feminist perspective for them. “I’m committed to supporting creators who have pioneered the NFT space,” Witherspoon wrote.

Critics Lament Their Loss

It’s true that investing and crypto are primarily male spaces, and there’s nothing wrong with equality. However, Witherspoon’s support of NFTs was poorly received. One critic successfully rated Follow the LineStare by comparing NFTs and the Church of Scientology

@della_morte_ explained in a follow-up tweet that NFT salespeople are following L Ron Hubbard’s playbook: “target celebrities by appealing to their vanity and endless hunger for easy money just for being themselves and watch them flip chumps for you en masse.” Scientology is controversial to say the very least, but its appeal in Hollywood is still pervasive.

Another Twitter account responded to Witherspoon with a comical comparison of NFTs and the famous fad beanie babies.

NFTs are increasingly becoming an issue of class, and Witherspoon’s support really shows how out of touch she is. Supporting them is her prerogative, so she’s earning the bad press. She’s hardly alone and can call Lindsay Lohan an ally. Lohan was subject to a lot of scrutiny after she sold furry illustrations as NFTs. The twenties are strange.

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