NBA star Tristan Thompson May Need to Pay Nearly $40k in Child Support
Tristan ThompsonYou’ll need to pay more to get the best deal. Maralee NicholsMore than you expected.
According to reports: Sacramento KingsStar Tristan ThompsonFor the next 18 years, you can expect to pay almost $40k in child support. Although the amount has been reported, an expert weighed in. Tristan’sCase provided a slightly different calculation.
Morghan Leia RichardsonNew York lawyer, John Y. Sullivan, explained that there are many factors that affect child support.
Income plays a significant role, especially if the parent involved is making millions in the NBA. Richardson stated:
“For awards where the parties earn extremely high incomes, such as Tristian, the court will plug the numbers into the support calculator, but also consider several other factors.”
Yet, there’s a possibility that the newborn won’t be receiving as much as his siblings. Richardson explained:
“Usually when a parent is already paying support for another child, that amount reduces the available income to pay support to later children,”
She continued:
“Because Tristan is paying support for other children, that will be a factor in calculating how much support he will pay for this child.”
RichardsonIt was estimated that TristanYou will end up spending about $34k
“Reports show that his income is about $10mil so based on that number, and the report that he’s paying $40k per month for his son, when I run the calculator, I get an estimate of $34k per month.”
Just before 2021, the world came to an end. TristanSurprisingly, it was confirmed that he was the father Maralee Nichols’ baby. After months of arguing in court with the former Texas fitness model, TristanHe finally gave in and posted his paternity via Instagram.
It was reported that Tristan denied the majority of Maralee’s claimsHe even doubted that the baby boy was his. He stated that if the child ended up being his, he would pay a couple hundred dollars for him.

Maralee Nichols w/ Tristan’s baby
The newborn is not the only one. TristanHas 5-year-old been abused? Prince ThompsonWith ex-girlfriend Jordan Craig.

Jordan Craig & Prince Thompson
He also has a daughter who is a reality star Khloé Kardashian, 3-year-old True Thompson.

Tristan Thompson, True Thompson, & Khloé Kardashian
They were supposedly together during Tristan’sTry to be with Maralee. Tristaninfamously apologized to Khloé In his paternity announcement delivered roses to TrueIt was not long before.
How much child support do think Tristan will end-up paying? We want to know what you think Tristan will end up paying in child support. Leave us a comment!