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However Joanna GainesWhen it comes to home improvements, is a true expert Fixer UpperHer unending talent shines through in the heart and soul of the home, the Kitchen.
An interview with Architectural DigestThe mother of five explained how her kitchen should have a more relaxed design feel. Gaines explained, “With design, when I walk into a house, I have this end goal in mind that I see in my head and until it gets there, I won’t stop. When you put me in the food world it is a little looser… I don’t want to be a perfectionist in the kitchen. When I come home from work and it is a full day of meetings and design I want to cut myself some slack and just let it be a creative thing that kind of fuels me.”
As she was designing her kitchen for Discovery’s Magnolia TableGaines made sure the Gristmill was equipped with only the most basic necessities. Gaines discussed other kitchen essentials that can enhance the Gristmill’s atmosphere as part of the show. Gaines selected essential items to maintain the rustic, earthy feel.
“The Gristmill, where the show is filmed, is this old piece of history. Late 1800s. For me, when I was thinking about the design, I just wanted it to be completely authentic to what it was,” Gaines explained. “All the beams that were painted, we sanded down so you could see the raw wood… and then just updating it with the new cabinets and brass hardware. I wanted it to feel really textural and simple and clean.”
Exactly what tools made it onto Gaines’ Magnolia Table? Interestingly enough, they’re the same products you can find in Gaines’ home kitchen.
1. Wooden Spoon

A wooden spoon is a must-have in any kitchen. As well as being durable and versatile, wooden spoons are gentle and won’t damage your cookware. It’s no surprise Gaines lists a wooden spoon as one of the kitchen tools she absolutely can’t live without. Gaines shared the following: Architectural Digest, “That is like my comfort thing. I always love to cook with a wooden spoon.”
Grab This Acacia Wooden Cooking SpoonAmazon
2. Mixer Stand

Wooden spoons can’t do everything, and that’s where Gaines’ next favorite must-have kitchen tool comes in. Enter the KitchenAid Professional 5-Quart Stand Mixer. Plus, Gaines’ loves the fact that it comes in dreamy colors and uses it every day. In addition, she liked the mixer’s color so much that she painted the Gristmill’s cabinets the same color.
Take control of your KitchenAid mixerChoose the right colors to make your kitchen stand out.
3. Whisk

Although a KitchenAid can certainly perform the duties of a whisk, sometimes you don’t mind doing it by hand. “I would say the things I use the most are a wooden spoon and a whisk. Just super simple,” Gaines explained to Architectural Digest.
Add a KitchenAid Gourmet Utility WhiskAdd the KitchenAid Mixer to your cart
4. Half-Apron

Joanna Gaines is a master at wearing an apron. Gaines is an entrepreneur in the kitchen. This is why she needs a kitchen cover to protect her clothes.
Get the look with Chef Works Unisex Austin Half Bistro ApronAmazon.
5. Rice cooker

While it hasn’t made its way into the Gristmill yet, it surely will in the near future. Gaines dishes about how important a rice cooker for her family. “I make rice a lot. My kids are only a quarter Korean, but they like to eat like they are full Korean,” she shared.
If you’re looking for home-cooked rice that’s unbeatable, try the Zojirushi NS-ZCC18 Neuro Fuzzy Rice Cooker & WarmerAvailable at Amazon
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