Quick, which male celebrity would most closely be associated with tabloid cover covers? The obvious answer to this question is Brad Pitt. Just by going outside, this sex symbol has made headlines as an Academy Award winner. According to our top Pitt rumor, he was dangerously thin due to his custody battle with. Angelina Jolie.
Pitt Is A Broken Man
After five long years, Jolie & Pitt are still fighting at the courthouse. The National Enquirer reported that the custody battle was taking a toll on Pitt’s physical appearance. An insider said, “Brad has been pushing himself so hard and he’s really not taking good care of himself these days…his clothes are hanging off him, he’s washed out and exhausted the whole time and looks like a ghost.”
A doctor who believed Pitt was only 143 pounds was a shady one. The source was the Joe Black star “really stressed out and depressed.” His busy schedule meant Pitt was burning the candle at all ends and was only hurting himself in the process.
Photoshop Is Powerful
The tabloid found a photo of Pitt taken on a trip to Belgium in order to back up the story about Pitt’s weight loss. It photoshopped Pitt’s face onto its own body because Pitt was disguised. This made Pitt appear more disheveled than his real self, making it impossible to believe the story when underhanded tactics were used.
The doctor in the story had never seen Pitt and so could not have pulled out the 143 figure. The figure was too precise to trust. All in all, this was just another fear-mongering story claiming a star’s weight wasn’t good. Gossip CopHe has debunked far too many starvation stories.
How’s He Holding Up?
While Pitt probably isn’t thrilled about his protracted custody battle, it doesn’t look like he’s falling apart. This year he’s filmed The Lost CitySandra Bullock Bullet TrainBad Bunny According to PeoplePitt is a far better source of news than Reuters. staying low-key and is hopeful that 2022 will be “an even more positive year, a source says. “People really like him, and he does have a strong circle supporting him.”
Other Pitt Myths
Every week, at least one Pitt story is published in a tabloid. Most of the time he’s reuniting with Jennifer Aniston, or reconciling with Jolie. In reality, he’s just keeping it low-key with his close friends.