A dad put his photoshop skills to good use when he created hilarious scenes featuring his premature son doing “manly” things.
Matt MacMillan’s first foray into Photoshopping his kids started when his firstborn, Ella, was a month old. He created a series showing his infant playing sports and the results were both funny and adorable.
Matt wanted to continue the tradition when his son, Ryan, was born, and that’s exactly what he did.

Bored Panda was told by Ryan’s father, that Ryan was nine weeks prematurely born and weighed in at just under three lbs.
The newborn spent six week in the NICU. Although this experience would discourage some parents, Matt was able to focus on the brighter side of life with his wife Alyssa.
“We joked that he wasn’t a premature baby just “advanced,” he said.
Matt created a photo series with Ryan performing grown-up activities, such as mowing the grass and shaving his beard.

While editing and shooting photos was not an easy task, the results were hilarious and totally worth the effort.
“Each shoot took about 15-20 minutes. The setup and editing are the most difficult part of the job. First, I had to make props and find outfits for most of the pictures,” Matt explained.
The succeeding steps involved “setting up the scene, framing the shot, arranging props, and setting up the lighting, where appropriate.”
Some setups were more complex than others, such as the bench press photo.
“For this one, I made a rig that hung from the ceiling,” Matt said. “It mounted the camera and also held the barbell above Ryan so all he had to do was grip it, rather than hold it up.”

Matt was fortunate to have a lot of help from his wife. She was responsible for holding the baby so Matt could use his limbs while holding onto things.
“After I got the pictures of Ryan, I would take some shots of anything that he couldn’t actually hold, like the ax swinging or the fish on the fishing line,” he said.
Matt would then go through all the cute photos he had taken and select the best before using Photoshop to remove him from the scene. He would then combine the best parts to create composite images.
Matt shared the edited photos to Instagram and his followers fell in love instantly with the creative images and the subject. However, people unfamiliar with Photoshop couldn’t help but express their concerns for Ryan’s safety.

Matt was quick to assure everyone his baby was never in danger. He explained that the insane situations he was caught in were all due to his amazing photo editing.
Being a parent of a premature baby is a difficult experience. However, Matt and Alyssa made good of it. They now have these unforgettable photos to prove it.
Matt even offered advice for parents in similar situations.
“My three pieces of advice for parents of premature babies are to be patient, be positive, and seek support,” he said.
Take a look at the gallery below, and be prepared to have a good time with these hilarious photos!

Follow Matt MacMillanYou can follow him on Instagram for his funny and cute creations.
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