Clarence and Ginni Thomas, American Patriots

Liberals are once again focusing on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

This has been going on ever since President George H.W. Bush was confirmed in 1991. Bush had the temerity of naming Thurgood Marshall as his Supreme Court seat.

Thomas’ confirmation hearings provided a laboratory showing how low liberals are willing to go to try to discredit a conservative, even more so one who is black.

Now liberal journalists are having their most recent field day because it happens that Thomas’ wife, Ginni, is a conservative like him, is an American patriot like him, and is personally invested, like her husband, in safeguarding our Constitution’s integrity, written, as its drafters wrote in its preamble, “to secure the blessings of liberty.”

Clarence Thomas does it as the court’s longest-sitting justice and perhaps its most principled and consistent conservative. Ginni Thomas is a conservative activist who is involved in a number of conservative groups in Washington.

Liberals tried for years to portray Thomas as a traitor of Justice Antonin Scalia. Now, as Thomas shines as the court’s leading conservative voice, they want to diminish him as a lackey of his wife.

The sparks were lit in an attempt to ignite a forest fire about conflicts of interest in a New Yorker article written by Jane Mayer, a liberal muckraker who has made a career out of hatchet-job journalism targeted at conservatives.

Mayer’s article leads with her concern about politics finding their way into the Supreme Court, as evidenced by “a recent Gallup poll” showing “the Supreme Court has its lowest public-approval rating in history.”

That poll, from last September, shows the high court’s approval rating at 40%, down from 62% in 2001.

But equally germane, and of course of less interest to Mayer, is Gallup polling from the same date showing Americans’ trust in media standing at 36%, the second lowest on record.

Liberal journalists only look for smoking guns when they are being targeted by conservatives.

Where were all the liberal journalists when the New York Post broke the story 17 months ago about emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop showing he was doing business deals, profiting on his vice president father’s position? Biden’s younger brother even gave his father a piece in one of the deals.

The presidential election was the only time that the story was reported. The New York Times is reporting the story as real now.

How about President Joe Biden’s nominee for vice chairman for supervision of the Federal Reserve Board, Sarah Bloom Raskin? Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), was charged with an ethics violation by the House for failing to report a $1.5million stock sale by his wife at a firm where she may be in conflict of interest.

We could, of course, discuss America’s favorite power couple, Bill and Hillary Clinton, now worth tens of millions despite careers in politics and public service.

The point is, there are no bureaucratic ethics rules that displace what is the real driver of what matters—personal integrity.

Clarence Thomas has never made a Supreme Court decision that could not be attributed to his rigorous scholarship and commitment to U.S. Constitution. Period.

Similarly, Ginni Thomas, who sat on the board of my organization CURE for some 15 years, is motivated by one thing—preservation of our nation as a free nation under God.

The real bottom line is one that liberals don’t want to hear. Limiting questions about ethics in government means keeping government small and limited. It’s exactly what America’s Founders had in mind and the exact opposite direction in which liberals have taken our nation.

We owe Clarence Thomas and Ginni Tom for their tireless struggle to preserve the integrity and principles of our Constitution, and to keep our nation free from the liberal media.


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