President Joe Biden recently stated that he will run in 2024 for reelection under one condition: that his health remains good.
Biden made comments suggesting that he might run for a second term in office in an interview with ABC’s David Muir.
“Do you plan to run for reelection?” Muir asked Biden this week.
“Yes,” Biden responded, adding that he would only run for a second term if he was in the right physical shape to do so.
“I’m a great respecter of fate. Fate has intervened in my life many, many times,” Biden said. “If I’m in the health I’m in now — if I’m in good health — then in fact, I would run again.”
Biden also stated that a Trump presidential campaign would only make him more interested in running.
“Why would I not run against Donald Trump for the nominee? That’ll increase the prospect of running,” the president told Muir.
Notably, Biden’s popularity and approval rating have faced a significant drop since the start of his tenure. Biden’s average approval rating was 55.4 percent on March 1 and his average disapproval rating was below 39 percent on March 1. according to an aggregate of polling data collected by RealClearPolitics. Months later, those averages have flipped: Biden’s approval rating now averages around 43 percent, while his disapproval rating is at 53 percent.
Biden might not fare well if Trump and Biden face off in a rematch of 2020’s election. The president’s net favorability in a recent Economist/YouGov poll is -11 points, while Trump’s is -13. In a USA Today/Suffolk University poll published last month, a majority of respondents (64 percent) said they didn’t want Biden to run again. When asked to choose between Trump and Biden, the poll found that Trump would defeat Biden around 4 percentage point.
Some believe that Biden could reverse the trend by fulfilling the 2020 promises he made in his campaign. His administration has recently announced that Extension of the student loans payment pause, Biden has yet to fulfill his campaign promise of canceling up to $10,000 of student debt per borrower — an extremely modest measure that would still You are likely to get more votes from the young people.
However, the Biden administration repeatedly stated that they would not accept the premise that the president won’t use his executive powerHe is not authorized to forgive student loans. Instead, Biden has shifted the blame onto Congress, saying that they should pass a debt forgiveness bill that he could sign into law — a strategy that would almost certainly fail given divisions within the legislative branch and the ability of Republicans in the Senate to block such a measure through the filibuster.