We are now past the sixth month mark since the administration called to investigate horse patrol agents engaging in illegally entering the U.S. with Haitian migrants.
The administration still hasn’t released the completed investigation report. The administration appears content to allow the agents to spin the wind after making up career-ending, false allegations about the agents.
Where is the report?
Bill Melugin, Fox News reporter, published daily drone videos of illegal aliens gathering under Del Rio International Bridge for a week in September. The mainstream media weren’t present.
The Biden administration tried stopping the videos with a fake drone ban by Federal Aviation Administration. Melugin posted videos from Texas Department of Public Safety, but was unsuccessful in stopping them. helicopterBiden’s administration lifted the drone ban, and created a new story. Border Patrol agents on horseback were whipping Haitian migrants.
It was reported by almost every news channel that the men who were part of the horse patrol were committing unprovoked attacks on Haitian migrants, violating civil rights. Video and still photos were everywhere.
The Department of Homeland Security is immediately notified suspended use of the horse patrols. The agents were placed under administrative leave. They were rapidly labeled “guilty until proven innocent,” and six months later, the administration still won’t declare the agents innocent.
President Joe arrived shortly after the horse patrol encounter. Biden said during a press briefing that it was horrible to see people treated that way—horses nearly running over people being “strapped.”
“It’s outrageous, I promise you, those people will pay … [T]Here it is [an] investigation underway now, and there will be consequences,” he said. “There will be consequences.”
The president had already promised to punish his own agents, but the investigation had just begun.
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas quickly piled on, saying the images of agents in Del Rio turning back Haitian migrants were “horrifying” and “do not reflect who we are.”
He added that the images “painfully conjured up the worst elements of our nation’s ongoing battle against systemic racism.”
Vice President Kamala HarrisShe said that she was outraged at the images and that there should be consequences as well as accountability. Rep. Ilhan Olamar, D-Minn., charged the agents with human rights violations. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., also denounced the Border Patrol, tweeting: “This is a stain on our country.” Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., declared, “They are trying to bring us back to slavery days and worse than that.”
Crying “racism” has become a tired line of attack, over-used by the left to avoid facts and silence opponents.
There was no whipping that day at the border. Anyone who watches the video and looks at the photos will see that. Paul Ratje, the photographer, attested that no one was whipped by the horse patrol.
Border Patrol agents, just like other law enforcement officers have rules of engagement and an existing Customs and Border Protection Policy. use of forceThese were also shown in the video.
The only people who did anything wrong were the migrants, who entered the county illegally, which is a crime. They refused to obey verbal commands from a federal agent. That’s also a crime.
But it was the agents who were flogged by the Biden administration, members of Congress, and the media.
They were mocked and shamed on a national level, and they were deliberately left to await the results of the investigation.
So where are they?
Mayorkas stated that he hoped the investigation would be complete in days, not weeks. It’s been six months. Homeland Security personnel claim that the investigation has been ongoing for several months.
Congress must demand that the report be released.
The findings of the investigation should also be made public in the exact same way these men were publicly slurred at a White House briefing.
This is what these agents and their families deserve.
Mayorkas, and other leaders who prematurely commented about this case before all the facts had been known, would love that.
Raul Ortiz, Chief Border Patrol Agent, should demand this for his officers who were not enforcing law but were simply doing their job.
We cannot allow this to go unnoticed or ignored by Biden. We owe the heroes in green, who risked their lives for this country 24 hours a day while we sleep, no less.
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