This incredible apartment building in Italy is the perfect combination of nature and architecture

Luciano Pia, an architect from Turin, Italy, took the concept of urban jungle to the next level when he created 25 Verde, an apartment block that looks like a forest.

The complex comprises five floors and 63 apartments. It’s constructed with steel and columns shaped like tree trunks, giving it the look of a modern-day treehouse.

One hundred fifty trees are grown from terraces of irregular shapes. The roofs are covered with lush greenery, which adds life to the industrial city.

The facade of 25 Verde in Turin, Italy

25 Verde isn’t merely a feast for the eyes; it also serves a bigger purpose. The structure, which is made up of approximately 200,000 liters carbon dioxide and 150,000 liters per hour by its trees, absorbs about 200,000 liters.

This natural absorption protects residents against noise pollution and harmful gases from cars.

The terraces and balconies on the top floor offer residents a perfect spot to view the Alps to their west and the hills to their east. Residents on the top floors have their own private gardens.

The plants growing out of 25 Verde

But it is inside that the real action occurs. It is a green oasis, which tenants can admire all the time.

25 Verde’s interior also features a raised garden in the center that creates a path to the apartments. The plants attract birds, while the concrete that is shaded by trees for most of the day emits cool air.

In winter, evergreens as well deciduous plants offer more light penetration than evergreens.

The ponds inside 25 Verde

It also has a courtyard with ponds where people can relax in the summertime.

This unique apartment complex is a complete departure from the usual brick block and ordered concrete common to the area. It features an arcaded layering of apartments, which are arranged in blocks but articulated by curved corners.

The exterior of 25 Verde

Rainwater collected by the building was used to support the plants. However, the plants were placed based on their sun needs. The interior offers afternoon shade to bamboo and maple trees, while trees on south facades receive direct sunlight throughout the day.

The cooling and heating system in the building uses groundwater and heat pumps to save energy.

One of the balconies at 25 Verde

The owners can choose the layout of their rooms inside. They can choose to embrace an introverted treehouse or view the street below.

This stunning piece of modern architecture is proof that people and nature can live together through thoughtful urban planning. See more of 25 Verde in the gallery below.

The ground floor of 25 Verde
An aerial view of 25 Verde and its surrounding buildings
The balconies at 25 Verde
The outdoor area of an apartment in 25 Verde
An apartment owner at 25 Verde giving a tour of the building
25 Verde at night
The facade of 25 Verde

Kristin Dirksen, a YouTuber, visited 25 Verde, Via Chiabrera 25 Turin, Italy and took a tour of the building’s residents. It’s definitely one of the most incredible structures you will ever see!

Click the video to learn more about this forest condominium.